The Rosewood Blog

"I'd like you to head over to a sales meeting at..."
“Hey, Don,” Walter greeted his brand-new employee, who was dressed in work pants and dirty boots, “I’d like you to go out to Newbie’s this afternoon and ask for a meeting with their purchasing agent. I think they may be a good candidate for the service program we are going to start offering next year.”
An uninviting marketing gateway.
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou What is the key to engaging customers in a way that causes them to open their wallets to you instead of your competitors?
Marketing Channel
Jim groaned. Turning in his chair to face his accounting manager, he said, “I just heard another dog food producer is starting up over in Ohio. With our sales being flat for the last two years, I’m afraid they are really going to hurt us. I wish we could find more dogs who like our product. That would help us out a lot...
Budding entrepreneur mowing grass
Dozens of business owners have asked me, “What percent should I budget for advertising?” I think they expect me to respond authoritatively: “The average small business should budget 4.625% of gross revenue for advertising.” There may be several reasons business owners would want a quick and easy answer to this question.
Create a persona to define your target market.
Last month we discovered the importance of identifying your strength by defining a Unique Selling Proposition for your business. Combine that with a definition of your ideal customer to bring laser-sharp focus to your business and marketing efforts. What is meant by Target Market?...
unique duckling
What is a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)? A unique selling proposition is a feature, quality, or service you provide which is different from what your competitors offer. Let’s look at the contextual meaning of each of the three words...
Consider market research whenever you could make a better business decision if you knew what others know.
Does the term “market research” sound sophisticated and costly? What is market research? Is it necessary in a small business? Let’s learn about market research for small businesses!
A handwritten Thank-You from Rosewood Team.
Thank you for the pleasure of serving you this past year. We wish you God's blessings in 2016! From the Rosewood Team: Roy Herr Eric Wenger Phyllis Miller Twila Weaver Adrian Nolt Gary Hurst Matt Feener Eugene Fox Enjoy your Thanksgiving Day!
thank you
Caring for your customers, and letting them know that you appreciate their business, is simply good manners. It is the right thing to do. But guess what? Saying—and showing—"Thank you" is also a huge competitive advantage! Build a company culture that shows your thanks by beginning one or two new procedures today. Here are seven ideas to get you started...
Screwdrivers at various price points. Which will you buy?
Imagine standing in the hardware store looking at the screwdrivers. You need a good screwdriver to use in the shop every day because you ruined yours yesterday trying to remove a rusty shield. There are three screwdrivers on display. Their price tags show $.99, $6.99, and $8.99. Which one will you buy? Remember, you will use it hard every day in the shop. Certainly, you are not even considering the $.99 screwdriver...
Time to Plan
Today we bring back a popular post from last year. As you plan for 2017, keep these tips in mind! Your competitors are handing you a huge opportunity. Did you know that most of them will not take the time to thoroughly plan their marketing for next year? Grab that opportunity by stepping through these 5 pointers. Strong businesses don’t happen by accident; they happen by planning.