The Rosewood Blog

confidence in crisis
Historians give Winston Churchill high grades as a leader in crisis. Churchill became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom at the beginning of World War II. In his speech to the House of Commons, he didn’t proclaim that he had all the answers. He said the following: I would say to the House, as I said to those who have joined this government: “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.”
This is the third article in a series called Biblical Principles for Sales and Marketing. The first article shared five principles that are foundational to Biblical marketing decisions: 1. Love - And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. Luke 6:31 2. Truth - A false balance is abomination to the Lord: but a just weight is his delight. Prov 11:1
confidence in crisis
You may have heard one or more versions of The Hot Dog Vendor Fable. It’s worth repeating at this moment in history.* Joe was your average Joe. As a young father, he bootstrapped his way into success with a street corner hotdog stand. But then he made a critical mistake. Actually, a very common mistake. A mistake that you and I are at risk of making this very moment.
This is the second article in a series called Biblical Principles for Sales and Marketing. The first article shared five principles that are foundational to Biblical marketing decisions: 1. Love. And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. Luke 6:31
Nehemiah felt like pulling his hair out. There they were, set up outside the city wall. Not long before, Nehemiah had confronted the Jews about doing business on the Sabbath. They had been treading grapes, loading up their donkeys with grain, and bringing their products to Jerusalem all on the Sabbath.
is your to-do list overwhelming you?
Is your personal workload holding back your entire company? Two days in a row I had the same conversation with two different clients. They weren’t completing simple tasks related to key marketing projects, and as a result, were holding up the entire workflow on the projects. All they needed to do was invest a half hour of work, but in the past three weeks or three months they hadn’t gotten to it.
Take a look at this list. All of the following concepts share a common characteristic. Can you identify it? Primary colors The Godhead A musical chord U.S. government The makeup of a human being Now that you’ve had a little time to think about it, could you make a good guess? Maybe you’re wondering, What does this have to do with marketing? What these all have in...
GPS gave out - car is on the rocks
This summer my family and I packed our car, fueled up, and left Pennsylvania for a vacation in which we traversed several states. Each day we made plans to arrive at our destination at a specific time. We used a GPS to plan our daily excursions and stay on schedule. One feature of a GPS is calculating an estimated arrival time. But somehow, our actual arrival times were rarely what the GPS initially told us! In fact, we often arrived much later. Has this ever happened to you?
machine gears
Imagine that your product was so unique and popular that it practically marketed itself, many people were excited about its features and performance, and orders were pouring in. Such is the case for Tesla, an electric vehicle manufacturer. But now imagine that you can’t manufacture your product quickly enough to meet demand—not even quickly enough to meet your promises to...
His tone was desperate: “How can we increase sales? We’re losing money and are almost out of cash. If something doesn’t change, we’ll be forced to close.” How would you respond? I could offer heartfelt sympathy, but what good was that? The owners seemed to expect me to hand them a miraculous formula to bail them out of their dilemma. Their business did not reach this low point...
Rosewood Marketing

In case you missed it…

We have recently moved into our new office building! If you would like to find us, our new address is

924 E Lincoln Ave
Myerstown, PA 17067

Baystate Outdoor Personia Pool House
In 2017, Baystate Outdoor Personia shifted their brand positioning from selling prefab sheds to custom-designed sheds and outdoor solutions. After coming to Rosewood Marketing to do a rebrand, Baystate hired Rosewood to build the new website and manage all aspects of their online marketing, including their pay-per-click (PPC) campaign.