The Rosewood Blog

Diving in the Action
“The podium leaned at 27 degrees.” That’s the first sentence to a story. Well, really it’s the middle of a story. Let’s start at the beginning. A few years ago my coworker, Matt, and I participated in a story writing class at the Writers & Artists’ Conference at Christian Light in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Samuel Coons helped us hone the skill of crafting captivating opening storylines.
Buying habits are changing
Our tagline at Rosewood Marketing is “Are You Growing?” Every day, we work to help our clients grow. But growth means change, and change can be difficult. Sometimes change pushes us out of our comfort zone, and into new frontiers. We encounter change everywhere—at home, at work, at church. Maybe you have wished things would stop changing. Or maybe you have wished something would change and it didn’t!
How to Align Your Marketing and Sales for Better Results
Jim, an experienced retail furniture salesman, just walked in the door at his new job, a brand-new furniture store. Unfortunately, the store owner failed to do any marketing before opening day to bring people in. Not even a sign above the door! At least the store is located in the town square, which could prove to be a good marketing move. But to draw customers into the new store will take work...
Prices subject to change according to customer's attitude
This sign hangs in the office of a local tire shop: “Prices subject to change according to customer’s attitude.” Anyone in sales or customer service can understand the frustration that inspired the statement! Sometimes we feel like charging certain customers extra because they are so difficult to serve.
Searching for a gold mine
You as a business person are always on the lookout for opportunities. The ability to spot and seize them is a hallmark of a successful entrepreneur. What if I told you that you might be overlooking an opportunity right on your doorstep? It’s a little like searching the world for a gold mine and coming home to find one six inches under your garden.
3 levels of business relationships
When it comes to assistance with your marketing, what kind of expertise should you hire? And after you engage with another company or outside professional, how can you ensure a successful ongoing relationship? To help with this challenge, we’ve put together a complete guide to working with anyone who offers marketing and advertising services.
Eisenhower Matrix
February. The month of Groundhog Day, Valentine’s Day, Presidents’ Day...and failed New Year’s resolutions. But your marketing resolutions for 2019 don’t need to suffer the same fate. If you read our article “I Don’t Need a Marketing Plan” a few months ago, you learned that you do need a marketing plan. Maybe you have even created one! If so, congratulations! You are already a step ahead of many other businesses.
Uncharted Waters
There is a lot of uncertainty in business. We don’t know if our new product will succeed. We don’t know if an investment in new equipment will pay off. We don’t know if that important deal will go through. We don’t know what government regulation or industry disruption will hit us next. We don’t even know if our business will exist in five years!
Rosewood Marketing Tree
Do you remember sitting in your school desk, desperately trying to understand something your teacher was explaining? Perhaps your teacher turned to the chalkboard and drew a sketch or a diagram, or worked out the solution step by step, and it clicked. What a relief!