Take the Rosewood Marketing Self-Assessment
A doctor orders bloodwork or an MRI to diagnose a disease. A veterinarian conducts regular herd checks to prevent serious health issues among a farmer’s animals. A mechanic analyzes onboard diagnostic scans to pinpoint which part of a vehicle engine is causing it to run roughly.
Sometimes, business owners wish for a simple test to give them greater clarity in marketing. Maybe their marketing isn’t producing the results they expected. Perhaps they want to identify ways to increase the power of an already successful marketing plan. Sound familiar? If so, you might be asking questions like these:
- Is our marketing on the right track?
- Why aren’t our marketing campaigns generating better results?
- What marketing strategies should we be focusing on?
You don’t need to feel lost in a marketing fog.
The Rosewood Marketing Self-Assessment helps you identify your marketing program’s strengths and weaknesses. After completing the assessment, you will have a clearer picture of whether you should lay a new foundation, or simply tweak your marketing to take it to the next level.
While this assessment is not a magic solution to your marketing challenges, it will point you in the right direction so you don’t have to feel like you’re going in circles.
Assessment Instructions:
1. In each of the ten categories, choose whether A, B, C, or D most accurately describes your current marketing. Then, circle the number that best describes your current situation.
2. Add the numbers that you circled.
3. Read our suggestions based on your total score at the end of the assessment.

Assessment Score
If your total score is:
10-40 Good news! You have much room to improve your marketing, so you can look forward to seeing much better results in the future! Staying where you are is likely to lead to stagnation. Focus first on the areas where you rated yourself the lowest. You may wish to hire outside help to take your marketing to the next level of effectiveness.
41-80 Nice work! You are ahead of many other companies and are seeing some good results. However, your business has untapped potential. After this assessment, you have a clearer picture of how to turn weak into strong and good into best as you continue to grow. If you feel maxed out, consider teaming up with an experienced marketing agency.
81-120 Congratulations! You are enjoying the results of investing in a well-rounded, effective marketing plan. Don’t drop the ball now. Stay on your toes and ensure your marketing efforts keep up with your growing company. It can be challenging to go from “very good” to “amazing.” If you want to discover even better results, find a marketing coach with the knowledge and experience to walk beside you into “amazing.”
Assessment Graph
Once you have completed the assessment, you can chart your scores to see where to improve. First, circle your score for each category on the chart. Then, draw lines to connect the circles around the chart. The deepest (or widest) dent in the circle shows which area to give your attention first.

Would you like a partner to help you implement meaningful changes to your marketing plan? Learn more about the Marketing Guide Path™ at www.rosewood.us.com.